VIE - Communication - BELGIQUE - H/F

Trade, marketing, offer 5 - VIE Belgium, Brussels


We are a global player in the naval defence industry with over 400 years of history, continually pushing the boundaries to build the future. We recruit new talent to design, build and maintain exceptional products such as submarines, aircraft carriers and frigates, which have a vital digital component.

With 10 sites in France and a footprint in 18 countries, we value a welcoming work environment that fosters diversity of profiles, team spirit and well-being. This is reflected in our social mix, our agreements on quality of life at work, our commitment to professional development through ongoing training and the involvement of our employees in the collective implementation of our corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy.

17 000 employees
4.353 billion euros in sales
Average age: 42
Average seniority: 12 years
Over 23% women recruited on permanent contracts

Mission description

Specialization/Job :

Trade, marketing, offer - Sales Operations Manager

Job detail :

VIE - Communication - BELGIQUE - H/F

Naval Group Belgium, with offices in Brussels and Zeebrugge, is a subsidiary of Naval Group, a world leader in Naval Defence .The group designs, produces and supports submarines and surface ships including Mine Warfare. The group also provides services for naval shipyards and bases.
Naval Group Belgium has opened in autumn 2021 a R&D center called Center of Excellence (CoE), dedicated to technologies in relation with Mine Counter Measure (MCM). At the same time Naval Group Belgium has opened a Cyber Lab, which develops CyberManagement activities for the Belgian defence.
Naval Group belgium is now developping its activities for maintenance of MCM vessels
' + Contributes to the Marketing and Communication Plan of Naval Group Belgium
+ Proposes an annual Marketing and Communication plan
+ submits the plan to the CODIR, and reports montly on the progress
+ Schedules the preparation and execution of the approved activities
+ Manages the preparation and execution of communication events
+ in relation with Naval Group SA communication department under guidance of the CEO of Naval Group Belgium,
+ participates to the events when requested (taking pictures or videos if needed)
+ prepares press (internal / external) releases
+ manages the Naval Group Belgium and MCM Lab websites
+ Manages marketing activities (posters, goodies, brochures,...)
+ Reprensents Naval Group Belgium as required


Vous êtes titulaire d'un diplôme type Bac+5, avec des connaissances en communication.
Vous êtes reconnu pour votre: Travail en équipe, en transversal et avec des partenaires externes, proactivité, sens initiative, Autonomie, Capacité de synthèse, Ténécité, persévérance, Assertivité, Négociation, compromis.

Vous parlez couramment anglais.

Alors ce VIE est fait pour vous.

Rejoignez nos équipes et construisez le naval de demain ! Chez Naval Group, vous
serez accompagné.e de tuteur.rice.s certifié.e.s et, à leurs côtés, vous bénéficierez
d'une expérience à la fois formatrice et responsabilisante.

Après réception de votre CV, si votre profil retient notre attention, l'un de nos
recruteurs vous contactera pour un entretien téléphonique. À l'issue de ce premier
échange, vous pourrez être contacté.e pour passer un entretien (physique ou
visioconférence) avec le manager du service concerné et/ou notre HR Business
Partner. Enfin, dès que nous aurons fait notre choix final, vous en serez informé.e dans les plus brefs délais.

Experience :

young graduate / Beginner

Education level :

5 - Not applicable

Studies domains :

  • Communication/Press/Audiovisual
  • Marketing/Commerce/Sales
  • Politics, International relations


Contract duration :


Contract start date :


Geographical implantation :

  • Europe,
  • Belgium,
  • Brussels-Capital,
  • Brussels

Company :


Reference :


Publication date :
